A short video was created by the National Network for Children and PULSE Foundation within the project “Children Help movement Against Physical Threatening and Emotional Repression” with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union.
The statistic in the video is based on a national representative survey, conducted by Noema Agency, commissioned by the National Network for Children. The survey included parents, future parents/ young people and children.
88% of parents in Bulgaria are aware that smacking is an ineffective discipline method, but many of them continue to apply corporal punishment against their children. Although the use of physical punishment has been decreasing over the past 5 years, about 2/3 of parents have ever used corporal punishment and other traumatic practices such as spatial isolation, non-interference in case of risk of injury, causing discomfort by inconvenient pose or subduing. ¼ of parents systematically apply such practices against their children.